Name of Type and common language used to denote the type.

Closest or Shadow of the type, if applicable.
Historical Sources of Typology Designation Relative size of the type compared to entire population Primary Motivation (or Incentive) in Relation to Political-Economy Primary Outcome of the Motivation when Activated or Repressed Experience when the Incentive is Activated in Psychological Terms Mechanism the American System Utilized to Activate or Suppress the Incentive Stance of the Philosopher/Activist TOWARDS the incentive itself as well as its activation n/a.

  • Prophet
  • Guru

  • 20th Century:
  • Artist

  • Risk, or Shadow:
  • Transforming into a Zealot

    • Plato, The Republic

    • Bible

    Less than 1%To understand the whole.

    To create or structure a functioning organized society, in which the “parts” fit into a ”whole”.

    To connect the parts of society to a ground; to the source of the order of the potential whole.
    The passion and desire, linked to reason, to create a unified organized whole is satisfied. This passion is unique in that it is subordinated to Reason by virtue of the passion being grounded in a desire to create a unified totality. The RISK or shadow is Totalitarianism and the dark side of excessive emphasis placed on Equality. Equality as a quality lubricates the attainment of the goal of the philosopher. So the desire has to be tempered by a spirit of humility and moderation. Satisfaction and contentment. Happiness linked to the awareness of the achievement of a unified whole tempered by moderation. Paradoxical dormancy. By this is meant that as long as the system works as intended, as spelled out here, there is no reason for the philosopher as a type to be engaged in any ongoing basis with the society or its foundation. In this sense, the foundation is experienced AS IF it were a machine that once “activated” “runs by itself.” This is a false assumption, as at some point ethical care will need to enter into the causal chain of legally authorized use of power when not if the motivation of the Strong man type is activated. The philosopher as a type is unique in having reason as the ground of his passion. He thus has no stance other than the detached observer of a potential outcome that we might say he desires with passionate neutrality. This motive is good. The Philosopher is unique as a type in being the only of the four types whose natural incentive matches with the well being of 100% of citizens. His incentive does not match the incentive of the Strongman or the Fanatic however and this type will always seek to shed suspicion on the Philosopher type. This is the meaning of rhetorical denigration of “liberals” by for profit media.

    Average Citizen
    • Average Citizen
    • “everyman”

    • Proletariat

    Founders of the US:
  • “Mankind”, as seen in the Preamble to the US Constitution, “the Opinions of Mankind”

  • Risk, or Shadow:
  • Being manipulated by the Zealot or Strong Man to back their type.

  • Socrates Apology, reference to starting with the common opinions vs. specialist, etc.

    Marx, Communist Manifesto

    American Founders, reference in the Preamble of the Constitution to deferring to “the Opinions of Mankind”.

    More than 99% but less than 100%To live somewhat comfortably and securely. To avoid poverty and chaos. To avoid crime. To avoid arbitrary treatment by naturally more powerful parts of the society. To gain status relative to another recognizable part of society.Motivation to attain relative security and comfort are attained at a significantly higher rate for the average citizen than in systems NOT based on the rule of law.Work ethic; a felt desire to remain at the level of a peer group; competition; drive to succeed; caring about appearances and what others think.A MERIT based system. Consistent monetary rewards for a work.The Philosopher type sees the activation of this incentive as GOOD because it serves the goal of order and material comfort for more citizens relative to other systems.



    • True believer.
    • Terrorist
    • Extremist
    • N/a.

    • Puritans who founded Plymouth and the Mass. Bay Colony

    • Salem Witch Trials, 1600s.

    • Middle East, 9/11.

    • Al Quaeda

    • The Taliban

    • Anti Abortion activism in the United States

    • Trump’s so-called “base”.

    • Red Brigade, Italy 1970s.

    • Militia Types

    Less than 1%.

    • To do God’s will.

    • To gain salvation.

    • To get into heaven.

    • To be saved.

    • To make society perfect according to ONE moral value. A focus on ONE value is necessary to qualify for this category.

    • On the Left the value is equality and on the right the value is freedom.

      The ideal of perfection or purity.

    Decrease in the feeling or experience of the motivation of intense passion in the type susceptible to fanaticism.

    Decrease in the behavior of the type susceptible to fanaticism; moral perfectionism, zealotry, etc.
    Pleasure upon the awareness of the full instantiation of the unitary value. Increasing detachment from reality; excessive expectations for politics; moral perfectionism; judgmentalism;The goal here is to supress the motivation. Since we never know which particular members of society – out of 100% of the members – will be susceptible to fanaticism, the citizens are taught that IF they act too intensely or fanatically, they will be shunned and looked as “strange”. Following the development of the internet, this mechanism no longer works, as the type finds other like-minded individuals on line. The type allies with the strong man who is also enabled by the Internet to circumvent the social and legal guardrails put in place to prevent him from acting to seek to gain power over society, here by manipulating the fanatic as a type to whip up passion in the 99% to back his “cause”. The Strong man creates a cause that enlists the fanatic to his purposes, who in turn behaves in a way to whip up passion in the average citizen to back the Strong Man in his “bid” for power.
    This motive is considered highly dangerous by the philosopher type because the passion of the fanatic, when activated, leads him to support forms of moral absolutism which the Strongman as a type will seek out and use to his advantage.

    The fanatic may himself utilize destruction to achieve the unitary value, considering the present condition to be an obstacle in the way of that outcome.

    Strong Man

    • Strong Man a
    • Dictator
    • Authoritarian Leader
    • Some Part of the group who belong to the most wealthy in society.
    • Shadow, or Risk: N/a.

    • Putin

    • Any dictator in the last 100 years of any society of significant size.

    • Hitler

    • Stalin

    • Idi Amin

    • Trump – with qualification.

    Less than 1%.To gain and then maintain enough power and wealth to remain at the top of an existing social-political-economic hierarchy. (source: Alisdair MacIntyre). To prevent any action of any of the other three parts of society from lowering their place in this hierarchy.Decrease in the feeling, or experience of the motivation to dominate society. Decrease in behavior of the Strongman type to dominate society.Increased motivation to take actions supportive of the goal of applying arbitrary power. “Arbitrary” power is defined as power that is exercised with no law-based rules of engagement. There is no legal authority to use power. This activates an inner state in the type similar to an addiction. The type comes to crave the ability to apply power arbitrarily. The type gets pleasure from this similar to the pleasure of a hit from substance abuse. Strong regulations and laws with the threat of loss of ability to remain in the top 1% if these laws are broken. The threat of being sued with the target being the StrongMan himself and not his subordinates. The activation of the incentive of the strong man is considered the most dangerous of all the incentives. The type knows how and is willing to manipulate the incentives of all the other types to his advantage. His lack of ethical care and natural ability to manipulate the incentives of the types are when combined what make him a danger to society.


    Name of Type and common language used to denote the type.

    Closest or Shadow of the type, if applicable.
    Historical Sources of Typology Designation Relative size of the type compared to entire population Primary Motivation (or Incentive) in Relation to Political-Economy Primary Outcome of the Motivation when Activated or Repressed Experience when the Incentive is Activated in Psychological Terms Mechanism the American System Utilized to Activate or Suppress the Incentive Stance of the Philosopher/Activist TOWARDS the incentive itself as well as its activation n/a.
    The Philosopher.

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    • John Locke.

    • Plato’s Republic. Book V.

    • Shadow/Risk: Incorporation and subsumption into the 99%.

    • Fanaticism.

    Reduction to close to 0% of the population. Effective disappearance of the type for the current generation. Each generation possesses a natural philosopher type which as they age can become the mature version of the type. If this does not happen by a certain age, the type won’t develop into the mature disciplined form.No self-awareness as a class or group or category of society.Change “Activated” to “Deactivated”. No self awareness of class or group or category of the type.Minimizes threat from shadow of the Type. Reduces risk of fanaticism or zealtotry.Work ethic, Denigration of “sloth”; emphasis on “action” and de-emphasis on “contemplative” life style. Widespread Suspicion of TRUE religion. Suspicion of the fanaticized form of religion will not be effective to reduce the shadow form of religious passion, which is a desire for certitude and feeling one is morally right.The awareness goes dormant, or suppressed, as the type becomes dormant to the extent that the system “works” as intended.
    Average Citizen

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    Artists and writers who explore the unconscious tendency of “most people” to do what is expected of them in an unthinking way. The artistic distinction between “appearance” and “reality in film and art. Shadow/Risk: Living the Unexamined Life. Approaches 100% but never constitutes ALL citizens. The shadow of the paradigm is presented as dystopian nightmare by the few philosophers as a type in the artist class in recent history. To first achieve, then sustain over a lifetime success, defined in both absolute and relative terms in the given society, usually some combination of material wealth and social status. The achievement of a “middle class” is the most significant contributing factor in all of the variables to the sustenance of the outcome sought by the philosopher type, relative and absolute material well being and order and security for all. Happiness in American society. Teaching of a Work Ethic; Marketing of material objects of desire to create an incentive to work and succeed in attaining the relevant goal noted in Column 4 and 5. Creating some anxiety about falling behind peers in this pursuit and sustenance of the achievement of the desired outcome of success. Happiness now of the philosopher type, better thought of as pleasure predicated on the attainment of the neutrally desired goal of the type.
    Zealot/ Fanatic

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    Plato’s Republic, references to Glaucon’s passionate desire for perfect justice; Various Enlightenment political thinkers. American political educators on moderation as a highest goal of political education. In theater and literature: The Crucible, by Henry Miller; the play ‘Doubt’, by John Patrick Shanley

    Approaches 0%. Is NEVER satisfied with the way things are and lacks moderation and needed detachment in his expression of his goals for political-economy. Does not value the moderation preached by Aristotle and the American founders. Does not “get” Plato’s allusions in the Republic to Glaucon as a Prototypical Fanatic. Anger at ‘the system’ but offers no realistic or constructive thoughts or suggestions. This incentive has been suppressed, so n/a.
    Public treatment of “extremism” as BAD and to be AVOIDED. Treating potential fanatics as “weird” and to be shunned. The subtle form of ostracism in the modern West is to ignore the TYPE.

    Note: Since the advent of the internet and for profit “news”, the Strong Man seems to be telling the fanatic that he need not be ignored and that he justly deserves to be heard. For profit Media gives the TYPE a public platform he was not given prior to the internet and for profit “news.” The type then seeks to create anger among the 99% that they too are not heard.

    This incentive has been suppressed and the Philosopher feels SAFE.
    Strong Man.

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    The Lord of the Flies. Ralph vs Piggy. Many Hollywood films depicting sociopaths striving for power. Their portrayal often captures the sociopathic nature of the type when they are enabled. Shadow/Risk: N/a. Approaches 0% from a practical perspective. The type is reborn every generation. Is more accepting of the ability and acceptability of earning great wealth without also gaining the practical ability to exercise arbitrary power. Because the incentive of the type is suppressed, there is increased peace, material well being and security for 100% of the population. n/a The Rule of Law and the BACKING of the Rule of Law by the Citizen-Voters and The tranformed Strong Men who have been educated and accepted in each generation the NORMS of the Enlightenment. Fear and Loathing.